Millhouse Stables
News for 2024
Where does the time go? As always at Millhouse Stables we have been super busy. So far in 2024 we have a newly re-vamped top school, we have added a few new ponies and also retired a few too. So lets start with the thank you's ... Thank you to Coffee & Ebony for teaching so many people to ride over the last umpteen years that you have been with us, many of those children you taught have since grown up and you have then taught their children to ride. You would never believe that we had days when Coffee used to come in the school extremely excited and we'd keep our fingers crossed that he wouldn't leap in the air, take off and deposit the child somewhere in the school! Ebony, well we all know her favourite trick, left rein A,C B or E sharp left turn across the school as quick as she can, no way was she being lead file! They will still be on the yard and will be helping us out on pony days with the hacks and they will also be used for our Robin Hood Riders, but it's time for them to hang up their reins and enjoy life in retirement.

We'd also like to say thank you to Ruth & all the girls who helped make the Easter pony days such a great success, these are always a popular session during the school holidays, and this year was no exception. Ruth drew on her pony club experience and had some very clever games up her sleeve, Nik & Jodie had to blow the cobwebs away to work out one of the quizzes!

Most recently, the gang took the ponies off cross country schooling, so Romeo, Jake, Peanut, Magic, Moon, Lola, Gilbert & Blue got to have a little bit of fun. Who'd have thought Romeo would be so forward?! Peanut too had a whale of a time.
September 2023 - What a fabulous summer we have had! Ok so the weather hasn't been the greatest but we've all still managed to have fun anyways. We've seen plenty of you on our pony days, it's been lovely having you all and hopefully teaching you so much more about ponies than just how to start and stop!
A few of our girls & ponies have been out and about to local shows, or cross country schooling, giving the ponies a well deserved trip out to somewhere a little more fun than an 20 x 40 arena.
We sadly waved Eddie over the rainbow bridge at the start of the summer, he was diagnosed with severe arthritis even at his young age, so we made the kindest decision that we could for him.
We also sent May off into her retirement, she sustained an injury that just wasn't wanting to heal, so we packed her off to be a companion for a handsome young gentleman who lost his best friend, and we are happy to report that this new friendship is going very well.
From 1st October our new lesson prices will come into place, it is never an easy decision to put prices up, but as ever with the cost of feed, electricity and everything in between continuing to rise we don't really have an option if we want to carry on keeping the ponies happy. You can see the new prices by going to 'Lessons - Price List' section of this site.
On a happier note our new ponies Romeo & Rosie & Albert have settled in really well, and are starting to wind their way into everyone's hearts, 3 very different ponies, 1 a cheeky little chap who'd rather have cuddles with the instructor than go round in boring circles, 1 who is a sweet little mare than just wants to please, even if it is at 100 miles per hour and the other a solid chap who gets on with his job but may just be a tad impatient if you take too long to get on!
As ever we are always happy to receive your photos, you can send them to us via whatsapp, messenger, tag us on facebook or instagram or send them via email.

We recently asked you to share your photos of Coffee Bean, thank you to everyone who sent one in. Can you spot yours in the group below?

A few pictures of some of our clients having a little fun in their lessons.