Millhouse Stables
Price list
Prices below from 1st October 2023

Price list
1/2hr Private Lesson ....................... £28.00
1/2hr Semi Private Lesson ........... £18
1/2hr Group Lesson ....................... £17.00
45min Private Lesson ............................ £40.00
1hr Semi Private Lesson ........................ £28.00
1hr Group Lesson ................................... £20.00
Pony Days .................................... £38.00
Birthday Parties ................ £28.00 per child
Prices for Hacks are as per Lesson costs
*** 24 hours notice required for cancellations otherwise you will be charged for the lesson ***
Opening Hours
Monday ................ 9am to 7.30pm
Tuesday ............... 9am to 8pm
Wednesday .......... 9am to 7.30pm
Thursday .............. 9am to 8.30pm
Friday ................... Livery Day
Saturday ............... 9am to 5pm
Sunday .................. Livery/Competition Day