Millhouse Stables
The Millhouse Team
Please click on a photo to see a full description of our team members.

Proprietor Nicola has owned Millhouse Stables for nearly 30 years and treats all her clients (both human & horsey) as extended family. Nicola has experience in most disciplines, although she is the first to admit that dressage is not her forte!

Instructor Ruth has a wealth of experience teaching both adults & children, not only in riding schools but for pony club as well.

Instructor Jodie has been with Millhouse for about 19 years now and teaches for us on a part time basis. Jodie's main interest is in dressage and those all important flatwork skills! However she can be spotted having a play over jumps from time to time.

Instructor Anna is one of our Saturday staff, she has been riding since she was 4 years old & has competed in all disciplines as well as being a member of the pony club.

Instructor Jenni is a another of our Saturday staff and is one of the loveliest people we know! Horsey wise Jenni has done a little bit of everything and she is currently bringing on a young horse with the hope of eventing them.

Yard Staff Judith is another of our hardworking members of yard staff, covering Nik's days off but is also a huge asset on other days of the week. Judith is Moon's official mummy and together they enjoy hacking around some of our beautiful countryside.

Yard Staff Grace is one of yard staff, who you will regularly see on a Saturday & Sunday. She started with us when she was a wee girl, then did an apprenticeship with us and now is a part-time member of the team.

Gadget is a great all rounder, he has been there done that and knows all the tricks, he will make you work for it but that's what we love about him.

Brian is our gentle giant, he is such a genuine fellow. Before coming to us he spent his time hunting. He has however turned his hoof quite well to this riding school lark.

Midnite is owned by Heidi & her family, she is a lovely little all rounder who is taking it all in her stride.

Ollie is on loan to us, he loves to jump and finds schooling a bit boring, so occasionally he likes to provide his own entertainment!

This lovely lady is Magic, she is another all rounder, who loves to jump. She is forward going and is very popular with our teenagers.

This handsome young man is owned by Isla & Becca and is the perfect addition to the Millhouse Stables family.

Moon takes every discipline in his stride and is a bit of a cool customer. Jumping is definitely his favourite though x

We are absolutely in love with this pony! He is sooo naughty, the epitome of a cheeky pony. He once was a unicorn, and now he's lowered his standards to teach children to ride! He He.

This cheeky little chap is a recent addition to the Millhouse Stables family, he has an amazing trot, but he's very stubborn and doesn't always do as he is told!

Every yard has to have one and this is ours! The wonderful little Trigger, happy to be groomed and cuddled for hours on end, also well known for wandering into everyone else's fields for a little chat!

Jake is a great allrounder, he is great for beginners & more experienced children alike. He loves to go on our cross country training days (maybe a little too much)!

Ellie is a fantastic addition to us here at MHS, she has been there done that, she looks after her little jockeys and just loves to jump.

What a little poppet this one is. Lil is Ellie's best friend she is a lot younger and has less experience, but what a poppet she is. She is a little stubborn off lead rein and is currently learning to canter, but she is soo good with the small children, we absolutely love her.

What a great allrounder this little mare is! From jumping to dressage, she can do it all. Lola is very popular with both our adults and our teenagers.

This lovely little mare is very eager to please, she is very forward going and just loves to jump. I think she is going to be a hit with our teenagers.

Coffee Bean has now been retired from the riding school, nudging up to 30 years old we think he deserves it. He will still get involved in pony days and our disabled riders groups but for now he is handing his teaching baton over to the others.

Another golden oldie that we have retired from the riding school, she too is around the 30 year old mark, what she hasn't done isn't worth knowing! She'll still be here and will still do the odd hack but for now she gets to hang up the reins and enjoy a long deserved rest.

Blue has retired from the riding school game, it wasn't his thing! He is now on full livery with us and owned by Gemma, he is living his best left being spoilt rotten!

After having some time away, Bailey has now come back to us on a full livery basis.

Gilbert is on full livery and owned by Michaela, he is still only a baby, however he is taking every thing in his stride and trying his hardest at everything he turns his hooves to.

Betsy bless her is a little special!! She loves everyone and will sit on your feet to stop you moving. A typical labrador she is great with the kids.